John Raymond Berry
soulartspace san juan islands national monument / an exercise in self funded grassroots democracy education activism and green policies toward non commercial and non bureaucratic creativity in the Cascadia area of Washington State USA from 2016-2023

A body of work with several different threads of content created in the San Juan Islands National Monument in Washington State. Cascadian area of the United States of AMerica during the time period of 2016~2023. The artist established a non commercial self funded art space from which to create personal work practice, exhort others and to base a series of recognition to local regional and internationally artists and performers.
The largest space of its kind and basically the only one in the San Juan Islands, it became known as SOUL and its intention was to edify green politics and issues and support areas of activism concerning peace and justice issues and non commercial creative endeavors.
Berry has a history of supporting the local agricultural movement having been at the helm of the renowned Doe Bay Cafe when it was making its transition into new ownership. Providing real food from real farms, it was one of the very first to present this idea in 2014. Now the islands are flush with amazing culinary experiences for everyone.
Within the visual and applied arts, temporary pop up installations appeared for days and even weeks in a central pocket heirloom orchard, gifted to him and others for this purpose by the first slow foods convivium champions: John and Joni Trumbull. An installation of personified ungulates, bison and swine entertained the temporary park adjacent 24/7. With the bison imagery influencing the History Museum across the street to create an embellished Bison Antiqus exhibit to be a prominent new display and draw at the museum. The artist was instrumental in the first applied design of the Eastsound Village Commons, Farmers Market and Playground in 1988. Built basically to scale by the artists vision and experience in community urban space planning and a parallel career in popular cafe design for a leading Seattle coffee entrepreneurs 8 cafes. Utilizing all hand made craftsmanship surfaces and woodworking, treatments of murals, graphics and personalized esthetics versus plastic and prefab. These cafes were widely appropriated verbatim in England and Europe for a company that was even appropriating the typeface font along with the abraded logo painted brick lifted entirely from Seattle. Nice compliment! The artist has a tendency to create work which later becomes popular decades later. Typography graphics and lettering being the most prominent in recent years, via the poster collectable postcards and handbill graphics which he introduced with an amazing array of contemporary local artists in the 1970s for a forward thinking music club in the midwest.
Horizon Meditation Experiences / Reclaimed and refashioned Materials / Gold Leaf

A Body of Work as Nature Portals
( from March 19 of that year, for several months or more ) 40” x 74”
Available for purchase. Work is located at the Orcas Family Resource Center, Orcas Island

The Covid Painting 40 x 74 on luxe substrate pro panel Available

Horizon Series

The Basic Pearls Before Swine Conundrum
First There Is A Mountain, Then There Is No Mountain

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